In the far reaches of the galaxy, the Deep lay dormant in the darkest recesses of their home until one day they awoke with an insatiable hunger. This hunger was a calling from the hive queen and began the mobilization of her swarm.
The Deep are unique organic lifeforms that are based on nitrogen and can assimilate technology into their bodies for practical use and share with the hive mind.
A true horror manifested, the Deep show no mercy and have no bias on who or what they consume. All that matters is the song of the Queen and ensuring her dominance on not just the galaxy, but the universe.
Life Span Range | 200 – 300 years |
Sleep Cycle | 1 – 3 hours |
Movement | Swimming and slithering |
Special Movement | Bio-mechanical limbs |
Reproduction | Spawning/metamorphosis |
Perception | Low-light vision, echolocation, chemoreception |
Language | Electromagnetic pulses |
Troop Light
Troop Medium
Troop Heavy
Skin Color(s) | Dark blue, deep purple |
Average Height | (Varies based on subtype) |
Average Weight | (Varies based on subtype) |
The Deep have no personality. They act on pure instinct and only wish to consume all organic matter for their personal use. Because of this, it is impossible to communicate with the Deep and have any form of diplomatic standing.
The only creatures the Deep form bonds with are other lower-life nitrogen-based creatures. These creatures form a symbiotic relationship with the Deep and perform menial tasks such as cleaning and providing food.
Even the humans with their psionic powers have tried to communicate with the Deep only to be bombarded with horrific songs and telepathic pressure causing fear and even hallucinations to any who dared try.
Likes | Dislikes |
N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A |
No one knows exactly where the Deep came from, but a recent planet has been found now nicknamed “Nethros”. The planet is an ice-cold water world with an ocean lying below layers of ice on the surface. With such an extreme set of living conditions, the Deep adapted to the harsh environment and thrived.
With their eel-like bodies, they swim at incredible speeds and use electroreception to see in the pitch darkness of the underwater depths. They can also withstand tremendous amounts of pressure with some members of their species being able to reach close to the core of the planet itself.
But with such extreme adaptations comes extreme limitations and the Deep can only colonite a few select worlds. However, thanks to their specialized organic tech, they are capable of modifying any environment to better suit their needs. Though this process can take up a lot of time.
Allowed Planetary Compositions | [Silicate], Artificial |
Allowed Atmospheres | [Ammonia], Nitrogen |
Stat | Min | Mean (0.2 – 0.8 only) | Max |
Gravity | 0.5 | 0.5 | 1 |
Temperature | 73 | 0.5 | 153 |
Radiation | 0 | 0.4 | 80 |
The Deep are masters of organic manipulation and have found horrific ways to utilize their innate abilities. Thanks to their hive mind, if a single Deep lifeform were to find a piece of technology it would be able to not only integrate it into their body but share this knowledge with the rest of the hive mind.
This makes the Deep extremely dangerous for they can steal other pieces of tech to use for their conquest. And because their ships are also organic, they can regenerate almost any damage inflicted on the hulls or armor.
Most surprising however is the Deep’s understanding of electric currents. By using their conductive bodies the Deep are capable of generating disruptive EMP waves and even bolts of electricity on their prey.
Tech Name | Description | Category | Group |
Organic Manipulation | Technology that utilizes organic life in place of typical machinery. Organic technology uses components and facilities that are typically specialized life forms adapted to a specific function | Theoretical | Special |
Organic Construction | Construction of specialized organic facilities and components that mimic their non-organic versions but are alive. This generally changes their build/maintenance costs and sometimes gives them special abilities or limitations. In addition, allows special facilities and components not normally available without organic technology | Applied | Construction |
Organic Hulls | Living Hulls that have the ability to quickly regenerate and repair themselves and any damaged (organic) components they contain | Military | Construction |
Organic Armor | Living armor that has the ability to quickly regenerate and repair itself | Military | Defenses |
Vehicle Sets