Ooze Race - Crucible of Empires


The oldest of all the races, the Ooze is made out of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. For billions of years, a collection of them slowly drifted through the stars not understanding what they were.

The only thing they knew was to consume and thanks to their makeup there was nothing they could not break down. But one day, the Ooze consumed something strange, and no longer were they mindless.

Now, having recently gained sentience they have quickly expanded their reach in hopes of fully understanding the universe and more of who or what they are.


Life Span Range Infinite (Self terminates after 4-6 generations)
Sleep Cycle N/A
Movement Walking, flowing, slithering
Special Movement Full shape control
Reproduction Budding
Perception Chemoreception
Language Biochemical signaling


Slime Color(s)Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Red, Black
Average HeightVaries due to shape
Average WeightVaries due to size and mass

Color changes depending on matter consumed—more rare matter = brighter colors


Can implement cybernetics and full containment suits


Calm and calculated, the Ooze has a hard time understanding emotions and at times feel isolated from the rest of the universe. The sensation to consume never went away but now when they do, there is reason. But even with reason, they realize that not everyone likes the idea of sharing their things for science.

When an Ooze consumes, they can replicate and reproduce the matter sharing it with not only themselves but also others. This is why they travel to the stars, to consume and test all matter and understand how it works, and if someone blocks or prevents them from doing so they see that as a hostile action.

Even destroying planets/colonies angers the Ooze regardless of who it belonged to as that creates pointless waste in their view. Knowledge is everything to the Ooze and the ones who hold it are the ones who have the most power.

Likes Dislikes
Maintain open borders Has closed borders
Receiving gifts of special resources Destroying any planet


The Ooze hold no sentimental value towards their homeworld of Protoaqua for they see the universe as a whole as their real home. The planet was the first step towards building an actual civilization for it was filled with rich minerals and various gases and liquids which aided their development.

A single Ooze can technically live forever but they noticed that with each offspring their genetic code becomes less pure than the last. To ensure the race stays healthy and sustainable they undergo a culling process where an Ooze will end its life once they feel their offspring no longer uphold a certain quality.

Protoaqua helped them come to this realization due to the mineral output being less than satisfactory after so many generations of Ooze. With such high resistance, the Ooze can colonize any planet and deal with the most extreme of afflictions.

Life BasisCarbon
Allowed Planetary Compositions[Silicate], Artificial
Allowed Atmospheres[SulfurDioxide]
StatMinMean (0.2 – 0.8 only)Max


The creators of Alchemy, the Ooze use their innate abilities of matter manipulation to a perfect degree. They can take any form of matter and transform it into something else completely different. They do this by utilizing their makeup and mixing the materials within them and what they put inside of them.

Not only does this tech have economical use but can be extremely deadly when utilized for weaponry. When turned on enemies, these weapons can break apart any matter it comes into contact with bypassing most resistances and hulls. The only counter to this would be powerful shields.

The Ooze also have incredible resistances to most damage types and can even regenerate from massive injuries thanks to their malleable form. But the greatest feat of Alchemy would be their labs for it’s within these buildings the Ooze are able to create the rarest of materials without ever having to leave their colonies.

Tech Name Description Category Group
Alchemy The study of transforming and manipulation of matter. Theoretical Special
Disintegration Weapons Weapons that utilize alchemical transmutation to transform targets into dust (Disruption Damage Type) Military Weapons
Alchemical Labs Specialized laboratories that can be used to generate/research anything. Applied Special

Vehicle Sets











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