
Ooze Race - Crucible of Empires


Function over form is the primary tenet of the Ooze and their insight and instinctive control over matter allows them to change their shape at will to practically any form they can imagine.

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Moosh Race - Crucible of Empires


Giant jellyfish-like beings who spend their lives floating peacefully in the atmospheres of gas giants, the Moosh are transplants to this universe with a complex understanding of reality.

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Studs Race - Crucible of Empires


The silicon-based Studs view time differently and are incredibly long-lived. They revere nature and are natural preservationists, but if angered, can be powerful enemies.

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Human Race - Crucible of Empires


Having mastered their mental abilities and united themselves, Humans now turn those powers on others, giving them tremendous advantages in war, espionage, and diplomacy.

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