
Ooze Race - Crucible of Empires


The oldest of all the races, the Ooze is made out of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. For billions of years, a collection of them slowly drifted through the stars not understanding what they were.

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Moosh Race - Crucible of Empires


Arriving from another dimension the Moosh are on a mission of the highest importance, to save the universe from total destruction. In their original dimension, the universe was taken over by an unknown force that was unbeatable, so the Moosh were left with only one option. To flee.

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Studs Race - Crucible of Empires


Made of rock and stone the Studs are one with mother nature and spend most of their time observing. Due to being a silicon based life form, Studs can live for ten’s of thousands of years without growing old and they use this time to gather the story of the universe.

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Human Race - Crucible of Empires


Having mastered their mental abilities and united themselves, Humans now turn those powers on others, giving them tremendous advantages in war, espionage, and diplomacy.

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